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Is The Ben and Ciara Days of our Lives Baby Story Missing Something?

Is The Ben and Ciara Days of our Lives Baby Story Missing Something?Is The Ben and Ciara Days of our Lives Baby Story Missing Something?

Other than the fact the Devil himself seems to want their Days of our Lives baby, things seem to be moving along pretty normal-like for Ben Weston and his beloved wife, Ciara Brady Weston. Maybe a little too normal. Should something more be going on right now for the couple?

Days of our Lives Polling

Because when things are normal the storyline does tend to dwindle and we don’t see characters that much. So, do viewers want to see a bit more drama for one of their favorite Salem pairs? Soap Hub asked that very question. Here’s what you said.

A Devil of a Time

Good lord, ask 69%, isn’t having the Devil wanting to steal your child the moment it’s born enough drama for one young couple to deal with during what’s supposed to be the happiest time of their lives? Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) and Ciara (Victoria Konefal) want to increase their family to three — and they shouldn’t have to deal with any more trauma to get there.

Days of our Lives: In Sickness And In Health

A more pragmatic 24% realize that with no obstacles, you’re less likely to see your faves and you want to see them so perhaps a little health crisis would be okay. One that could be surmounted of course, but that you may need to see them a few days a week to get through — with follow-up appointments, etc., right?

Bring On The Drama

For 7% of you, a few days isn’t nearly enough! You want to see Ben and Ciara front and center where they belong, and if drama is the only way to get to see them more, you’re all for it. And can it be soon? You’re missing them way too much.

Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes. For more about what’s coming up in Salem, check out all the latest that’s been posted on DAYS spoilers, and for an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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